Thursday 30 July 2009

Stranger in the night

I sleep very easy,head on pillow,zonk , I,ve gone. Last night 3 times something woke me up doing zzzzs around my face . I have searched but cannot see anything resembling an insect. We had a lot of rain yesterday so perhaps it was a mosquito. I,m told we do have them in this country. I,m paranoid about them,I,ve had some really bad bites in the past . My husband used to say they like English blood. I,m well prepared for when I go to Cyprus , stuff to plug in the wall , more stuff to spray the room and my body, and a pen to dab on bites if they do get me .

I think the creature of the night had 2 direct hits , I have a itchy forehead today , I probably need de,lousing,


Scrappy quilter said...

I'm chuckling here. You'd never be able to live in our area....we have mosquitoes from early May until late Sept. Even though I don't like bats, at least they keep the mosquito population down. I also have 2 kids that are allergic to them. They do buzz around, there is no doubt about that!!

Michela said...

Hi Cottonreel!
I'm so sorry you couldn't sleep well because of mosquitos..they're really unbearable!
Do you mind if I've tagged you on my blog?
Hope you'll accept and join in!

Cal said...

That's so funny.
Cal x

Tracey said...

I hate mozzies too, they drive you crackers buzzing round your head!!
Tracey xxx

Beedeebabee said...

Ick! I hate when I hear buzzings in the dark! Ahhhhh! It makes me nuts, especially when the little bugger insists on flying around next to my ear. I'm glad it hasn't happened in a long time. I hope your bites aren't too itchy and you have a better night tonight! xoxo Paulette

Piece by Piece said...

Mosquitos are also bothersome in our area during the summer months. We have screens on all of our windows and doors which keeps flying bugs of all kinds out, but there is always that one that gets in are we are coming or going.
Hope your bites aren't too itchy.

Angela said...

Hope Your bites settle down soon!
Thanks for the comment on my blog.
Will catch up with you after my holiday!!

Hope the SUPERCOOKS Holiday Club in YOUR village goes well next week