Tuesday 21 December 2010

Stuck up

I saluteall who make their own beautiful cards ,I bought card blanks and double sided tape , I had plenty of fabric . The problem was the double sided tape . It stuck everywhere but in the precise place it needed to be . Iwill not throw it away , if I cut myself it will seal and join the cut together , save me going to A & E .

I bought 6 of these plates for £10 from Age Concern charity shop . I love red transfer ware , the design is Historic America , view of Boston , Massachusetts .
Bluebell and myself were having a conversation , I cannot remember what is was about ,bluebell said " they are a transient population" . My mind went blank I was like a child that had heard a new word . I couldn,t remember hearing the expression before .

Friday 17 December 2010

Last night

Last night I aired my anger on my blog about a social injustice . I listened to the 6 o/clock news again tonight , there was a reference about this illegal immigrant again . It was such a quick flash reference , I didn,t have time to get the implication .
I fervently hope this issue is not allowed to die down . The decision to let him stay is so very very wrong . I am angry again tonight .

Thursday 16 December 2010

So Angry

I have just been listening to the 6 o/clock news on BBC . I,m so angry an illegal immigrant who ran over a 12 year old girl and left her to die under the wheels of the car he was driving , he ran away and left her there .has been allowed to stay in this country . It seems there are other issues with this man , other offences . It said it would be against his human rights to be sent back from whence he came . What is happening in our beloved England . I want to weep .

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Oh dear!!

One of those days so much to do but I seem to be going backwards .
The ice on my fish pond has almost thawed so I decided to top up the water and sort out the pump . It gave up when the ice reached about 6 inches . I went into the garage to switch on and realised I hadn,t put the spray fitting in the right position . foolish that I am ,!!! I stood at the pond to adjust it , the outcome? one very wet woman who had been in the shower only 1/2 hour earlier was a very wet cold woman smelling of fish pond water .
Oh well ! worse things happening elsewhere .

Sunday 12 December 2010


Right place, right time .
Bluebell and myself went to the antique centre yesterday . Before browsing we decided coffee was a must . While queuing we gave the food the once over , this place has won awards for their pies !!! so 11.15 a,m coffee turned into early lunch . Cornish pasty and chips . The pasty ? absolutely cram ,bang full of meat and easy on the veg . We had one between us and the chips .cordon bleu. Two well stuffed and satisfied browsers then carried on with the looking around .
This beautiful trug cost me just a £1 .

Wednesday 8 December 2010


Some things good , some things not so good .
1---I had my flu jab today , it,s o,k but itchy
2---I called to see bluebell on the way home from the clinic , she had made a lovely sponge cake for me with buttercream and raspberry jam
They are the good bits of the day
3--- my conservatory door , something has happened to it , possibly the weather , it closes with coaxing but will not lock
4---I have a burst pipe , I phoned bluebell she came with her husband Tony to turn the water off . I would not have had any idea where to do it . The pipe to the washing machine has been frozen for days .
5-- the fish pond is now almost just ice , I have peered intently , I think the fish are still moving in what water there is left , there is a hole in the ice . I keep putting a little water in from the tap but I know that is not good .
I realise my problems are small and rather insignificant to what many are suffering . Tomorrow is another day .

Sunday 5 December 2010


A homemade Christmas pudding from Bluebell


I think I was in the right place at the right time , these two plates were £1.50 each . I think they are beautiful .

The kitchen dresser is gradually getting christmas finary

little touches here and there

The tree in my sitting room and the christmas village underneath

A little tree in the hall to welcome visitors
I shall be rooting around for other stuff to celebrate the season . In the midst of all the boxes this afternoon I had visitors

Friday 3 December 2010

Birds without feathers !! crochet

I,m showing the little birds I have crochet . I saw these birds on a site called Attic 24 . It did say there is a pattern you can print off but I could not locate it but is quite easy to do if you have a little know how with a crochet hook .
It is still so cold here in the east midlands , I stepped outside about 4.30 to fetch two pairs of jeans off the washing line , left the conservatory door open, it could not have been more than 3 minutes and the lock froze . I shall be going to bed tonight with that door not secured .
I,m sitting around too much during this cold spell , my waistband feels tight .

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Dust 11

Up very early this morning , 5 a,m . by 6 a,m ironing done , bt 7 floors swept and washed .

The reason for this early start?
1, Bluebell admired this coffee pot , a present from a neighbour . running her finger along the shelf , " there,s dust here " she said .

2, Last night on casting my eyes upwards I noticed cobwebs , It appears spiders are insulating their corners this cold spell . I soon put a stop to that .

My bedroom is like Santa's grotto , parcels everywhere , Roll on christmas lets see space again .
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My Version

I just read a blog by Stephanie Newman posted minutes ago showing her new design for a quilt .
In patchwork and quilting there is very little that is new .
Here is my quilt made 1997 . At present it is one of my favourites ,it is on the back of a chair in my conservatory. It was my own design .

Where the background snow?

Where is the background snow for the blogs ? I have plenty of thr real stuff outside .
This is my fish pond at present