Thursday, 29 April 2010
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Watch your backs boys, we,re after your shirts
I have another 5 blue and white shirts for another quilt . I shall be on the lookout for 3 yellow shirts . I think they will be harder to come by . I shall mix small florals in with the yellow . Also pink shirts I,ll be seeking , I,ll mix spots with pink . These quilts will belong to my country collection .
Bluebell and myself will soon be off to the Malvern show, the tickets are purchased ,and we are champing at the bit.
Watcth your backs Boys, were after your shirts
I have another 5 blue and white shirts sourced from the charity shop , all excellent quality . Now I,m on a roll . I want yellow shirts , I know this will not be easy but if I find 3 I.ll add small floral fabrics to make up the required amount .
Sunday, 25 April 2010
I Really didn,t Mean to
The top picture is a jug and bowl on my hall table , I,m sure of no interest to anyone except me . The second pic,.is on the wall in the kitchen, I keep little momentoes there, you might see something that came in the post from you!! I throw nothing out .
I,ve had a very busy day , I have planted 7 flower baskets , 1 tree , several pots with long beans that will be planted out mid to late May , I also planted a Hydrangea , the frost caught it before I planted it but I,m hoping it will be o.k.
I have been plaqued with wasp and hornets this weekend, they hang around the windows and the door trying to get in . Not only the house but the garage too .
The shirt quilt is almost finished , I will show it later in the week , Now? I,m going to have a cup of tea, a shower and put my nose in a book for an hour . Mmmmmm, on second thought I,ll look at a few blogs first .
Saturday, 24 April 2010
My Spring Garden
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
The Dress and a shirt tale
Bluebell was here so I ask her to take a photograph of the dress . A couple of my blogging friends said lets see the dress , so here it is . Funny though , no one ask to see the saucepan !!
Bluebell rang this morning asking did I want to go shopping . I had told her on Monday I had no diposable income left after my holiday . I was down to £25 .now I,m down to about £1.50 .Good grief .
We went on to the charity shops in search of blue and white striped mens shirts . I was widowed 5 years ago , I have only just been able to cut up my husbands shirts . I have made a quilt ,bluebell liked it so much and thought it a good idea , so the quest was on .She managed to get 4 very nice ones , I stood aside and let her have a pick first . I bought 2 blue and white stripe , because I fancy making another one in a different pattern . I shall need 2 more before I make a start . I also bought a red check one for another project .
We went to the hardware shop , I needed 3 baskets for plants , the ones with a flat side to fit to the wall , the one,s I had are now on the side of the raised fish pond, the fish are doing very well , all survived the winter and are now feeding again . I. also bought a packet of long beans , a pkt,. courgettes and a pkt,. of salad bowl lettuce seeds .
We had coffee and biscuits at Costa coffee for elevenses , went into a lovely craft shop . then went on to have lunch at another favourite haunt . That was our away day today .
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Anther flag cushion
Similar but Different
I cut 4 rectangles approx , 8" x 6"
add the white 2 1/2 " strips across the rectangle (turn 1/4" in on the sides )
add the blue strip 1 1/4 " on top of the white strip (turn 1/4"in on sides )
Join the 4 rectangles with a broad white strip down and across , then add a narrower strip of another colour on top of the white strip .
Finish as you do any other cushion.
The St George flag that boys and girls use for football would make a nice bedroom cushion for football fans .
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Dare I breathe
I shall now be able to blog and show my photo,s . the practice run is the welcome sign on the wall of the hotel in Lanzarote with my son and daughter in law .
Now for coffee and a stroll round the garden in the sunshine , happy days are here again .
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Getting There
My laptop is almost completed , but until I have sussed how to get Picasa on I cannot show pictures . A big part of the fun of blogging is looking at the pic,s other bloggers show.
I love Saturdays ,up early to fetch the newspapers for myself and a neighbour . Today the sky is blue and clear , no noise , no helicopters or aeroplanes, no clouds or aeroplane trails .
I,m sitting in my conservatory looking out at the garden , it,s lovely and I do feel contented looking at it . I have new plants and a Malus tree to plant sometime this weekend, everything is fine.
Perhaps I,m wrong in saying this , I believe in fate and a reason for everything , I,m refering to the volcano eruption . It will surely make people think , yes, there is a more peaceful exsistance , a few days without hustle and bustle,a calmer way of living . Although I fly when needed I hate the scramble at the airport , the squashed journey on the plane , the commercialism of selling snacks etc,. at inflated prices .
as soon as I havefond how to load Picasa I have a couple of quilts to show .
Enjoy the day
I love Saturdays ,up early to fetch the newspapers for myself and a neighbour . Today the sky is blue and clear , no noise , no helicopters or aeroplanes, no clouds or aeroplane trails .
I,m sitting in my conservatory looking out at the garden , it,s lovely and I do feel contented looking at it . I have new plants and a Malus tree to plant sometime this weekend, everything is fine.
Perhaps I,m wrong in saying this , I believe in fate and a reason for everything , I,m refering to the volcano eruption . It will surely make people think , yes, there is a more peaceful exsistance , a few days without hustle and bustle,a calmer way of living . Although I fly when needed I hate the scramble at the airport , the squashed journey on the plane , the commercialism of selling snacks etc,. at inflated prices .
as soon as I havefond how to load Picasa I have a couple of quilts to show .
Enjoy the day
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Where O where
I have just written a post , it was published , I read it , but where has it gone !!!
Since this laptop was cleaned trying to get everything back running smoothly has been like a bad dream . Emails not coming in although the BT man said all was o,k now. Blogs going missing . I was up early especially to try to sort stuff out ,
The lovely relaxed feeling I had after my holiday is quickly disappearing . I want to sit sewing .
Since this laptop was cleaned trying to get everything back running smoothly has been like a bad dream . Emails not coming in although the BT man said all was o,k now. Blogs going missing . I was up early especially to try to sort stuff out ,
The lovely relaxed feeling I had after my holiday is quickly disappearing . I want to sit sewing .
Saturday, 10 April 2010
Opinions and comments please
I have returned from my holiday on the island of Lanzarote . I,ve had a lovely week with my son and daughter in law . lots of laughter ,good food and nice weather.
I now have to decide what to do about my laptop . I have had problems recently , it was taking a long time to get started . I can get into my emails o.k and other things , but ,it takes on average 5 minutes to get into a blog then another 6 or 7 mins,. to bring up any pictures , this is not acceptable .
One person says get a new laptop , another says have it cleaned . The man at P C World said it could be cleaned , no need to buy new . my laptop is 4 yrs old, I,ve been told this is about the lifetime of a laptop .
I,m missing reading all the amazing things bloggers write about , seeing the beautiful crafts and quilts and photographs . It took 20 mins,. to bring up the page to write this post . I,m not computer literate ,will I be able to load a new computer , my friend Silver Sewer used to put me right when I got stuck but she now has a new nesting place far , far away .
My garden has flourished while I have been away , it has lots of spring flowers out . I brought sunshine home with me , it,s lovely to sit outside and get drifts of perfume wafting around . A clematis that I thought hadn,t survived the winter is in leaf , at one time it was waterlogged , in fact more than once . In a weeks time the garden will be a carpet of blue with forget me nots .
Back to the laptop problem , when I finally get the dashboard up I read tantalising snippets but cannot spare the time waiting to get into the blog , for this reason I cannot leave comments but please leave yours for me to read . Hopefully sometime during the coming week I,ll be online again .
I now have to decide what to do about my laptop . I have had problems recently , it was taking a long time to get started . I can get into my emails o.k and other things , but ,it takes on average 5 minutes to get into a blog then another 6 or 7 mins,. to bring up any pictures , this is not acceptable .
One person says get a new laptop , another says have it cleaned . The man at P C World said it could be cleaned , no need to buy new . my laptop is 4 yrs old, I,ve been told this is about the lifetime of a laptop .
I,m missing reading all the amazing things bloggers write about , seeing the beautiful crafts and quilts and photographs . It took 20 mins,. to bring up the page to write this post . I,m not computer literate ,will I be able to load a new computer , my friend Silver Sewer used to put me right when I got stuck but she now has a new nesting place far , far away .
My garden has flourished while I have been away , it has lots of spring flowers out . I brought sunshine home with me , it,s lovely to sit outside and get drifts of perfume wafting around . A clematis that I thought hadn,t survived the winter is in leaf , at one time it was waterlogged , in fact more than once . In a weeks time the garden will be a carpet of blue with forget me nots .
Back to the laptop problem , when I finally get the dashboard up I read tantalising snippets but cannot spare the time waiting to get into the blog , for this reason I cannot leave comments but please leave yours for me to read . Hopefully sometime during the coming week I,ll be online again .
Thursday, 1 April 2010
Day before the holiday
At present I,m with my family ,we are passing time before we go to the airport for our Easter break . My laptop is almost out of action , it is taking approx 8 mins,. to get into a blog then if I want to leave a comment it takes another 8 mins . It seem I shall have to replace it when I return from my holiday . It means I shall start from square 1, I do hope my blogging friends will rejoin me
Happy Easter to all
Happy Easter to all
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