Ah ! yes ,a day of pure happiness , lots of laughter on the way .Fri,. 26th , the quilt show at Malvern .
The cushion I'm showing was on a stall . The lady heping said it was a cushion she had made , she didn't have a pattern but she would hold it up and we could take a photo . Usually people are so , no no no , but we didn't ask , she offered , such a lovely gesture .
The autumn show is not huge but essential if you want the shopping . One of my fave,. shops were not there , Cotton Patch . I wanted Kaffe Fasset fabric , they have a good range . I know I could shop online but it isn't like buying from the roll in front of you , also there is post and p,. to consider .
I have long wanted a red and white quilt . On the fabrication stand they had displayed a lovely red and white quilt by Susan Briscoe called Famoe quilt . I had to pay
£4.50.for issue no,75 which is Dec ,2011. Not really on to charge full price for a last years magazine but I suppose you want it , you pay for it . Still cheap for a pattern , say no more .
I bought fabric from 3 different stalls to make the quilt .I shall buy the backing later.
I bought a felting kit , this is something else I have been wanting to have a go at . I think it will give a three D effect to embriodery on a bag .
I'm now juggling , crochet ,hand quilting on my zig zag quilt ,and other bit,s . but onward I go.
I bought 2 bag kits. The stallholder didn't have just the patterns but at least I will not be fishing around for the fabrics that attracted me to the bags initially .
I also bought a pack of hand dyed fabric for applique . A great stall with fabric so reasonably priced .
I was looking around for Madiera Super Twist machine embroidery thread . No one sold it so I suppose I will have to trawl the internet . I want no other so the search continues .
Yes ! I spent too much but it's a long winter . It was very dark this morning . We put the clocks back 1 hr,. tonight . It's a tradition I think should be scrapped but who am I to say .
The weather forcast is arctic cold but it is a beautiful sunny morning .
Bye for now .
For my red and white quilt
My bag patterns and kit
My felting pack
My hand dyed fabric