Tuesday 30 April 2013

Scrappy Day

I have been trying to use up scraps . Where fabric is concerned I throw nothing away.
This little piece of patchwork will have a border and finally be a play mat .
I have also been crocheting a half square granny shawl . I'm hoping to finish it tonight . I should be able to show that before the end of the week

Sunday 28 April 2013

A pleasant week

A pleasant week but still very busy doing everything but not much time for relaxing unless I take an early night .

I went to a patchwork exhibition by Leicester Quilters . I hit the jackpot ! I bought 2 raffle tickets hoping to win this cushion made from Liberty prints and I won it . How lucky was that. . I bought the vanity bag from the gift stall  , I paid £5 for that . Well worth it, beautifully made also of Liberty .
last week I bought a new picture from Next for my sitting room and a cushion to go with the theme . I'm very fond of the colour duck egg blue . I have quite a few things in that shade , it is coming together nicely . I bought a jug in the same hue , It will be for flowers .

I had to set the machine up this afternoon to do a small alteration for a neighbour . Who knows, if I leave it up I might get around to doing some of my own sewing . I haven't been completely off the craft scene I am crocheting a granny shawl to wear on cool summer evenings , if we get any summer. It is still very cold here in the midlands . The birds have been doing a lot of twittering so perhaps Spring is a little late this year .

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Remedy needed

Does anyone have a remedy for when you have almost knocked yourself out , gardening . Today I am hopeless . No energy . No appetite for elevensis or even lunch . I have just had 2 shredded wheat and a banana hoping carbs would act as a pick me up .
After getting the garden sorted I intended to sew today, oh! best laid plans and all that . I don't even have the energy to thread the needle .
I shall just sit and settle in with a country living magazine and let the rest of the day float by.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

All The Time to Spare

It seems ages since I sat at my laptop to write . All the time to spare is a real misnomer .When you are a one person band there is such a lot claiming your time  .
I have been spending a great deal of time getting my garden organised now the weather is getting better .New plants to be found a place and a general tidy up in the garden . Pricking out of seeds and keeping an eye on them hoping they don't succumb to damp . I have set Coleus , I love the variety of colour in the leaves . I have Cosmos coming along , they are such spindly plants but so colourful and they are good as a cut flower too.
My fish are getting more lively , a good sign that the weather is warming up . They look healthy and are feeding just a little about twice a week .I had family to stay , they kindly took me to restock with some fresh plants for the pond .
The cheeky mouse is back on my patio eating crumbs I put out for the sparrows . He makes me dubious about leaving the conservatory door open
I think it's time for a snack and a cuppa tea .I'll try not to leave it so long before I get blogging again .
There has been no time to spare for sewing either .
Bye for now.

Thursday 11 April 2013

A no go day

I was expecting family today on a maybe . To be prepared I made a Lasagne and a loaf . My guests did not arrive so I had lasagne myself and the rest has gone in the freezer . I haven't frozen pasta before so I don't know if it will be o,k.
It is very cold here in the Uk today I'm hoping the seedlings I pricked out will not succumb to the cold .
Still no sewing done but I have been crocheting so on the basis you can't do both , not to worry .I usually go to friends to sew on Thursday afternoon but being as I was expecting my maybe guests I didn't go . . I haven't seen my friend bluebell this week either , she has been very poorly with a virus . I think she is on the mend now though .
Last night I went to bed very early , sat reading for a short time . My early night didn't do me any good , I must have woken about six times . Tonight I'll do a bit of blog hopping, nothing on t,v interesting . I do not watch soaps but love documentaries . perhaps to round of the evening I'll sew a few hexigons
Bye for now.

Wednesday 10 April 2013


PC stands for several things these days but in this instance it is my postcard swap for April , it will be going to Queensland Australia .
The theme for April was letters and numbers . I had to think long and hard how to interpret them .
My postcard isn't wonky or bent  , a little hairy maybe round the sides but it will be fine when I give it the final chivvy up .
I had to get the sewing machine out to make my card , I have left it out , perhaps it will bite me in the morning to do something else . In the meantime it will be early to bed reading . My holiday has made me lazy .
It must be getting warmer ! this week I keep getting the odd ant indoors . Spiders are bad enough but I shudder when I see ants, they rarely travel alone . It makes me itchy at the thought of them

Tuesday 9 April 2013

This is one of my machine embroidery pictures . I haven't done any for a while but must get going again.
Today I have spent 3 hrs,. tidyng the garden , pulling dead and decayed stuff away from plants hoping the air will encourage new growth. .
I have potted on cosmos and coleus but still have more to do . I must sow my Delphinium seeds . I know they won't flower this year but hopefully will make good growth .
Today it will be a salmon salad tea but I would love a snooze after my gardening . No time for a snooze really , I have to make the April postcard for my swap.
If you are interested in postcards put Bundy postcards in your Google bar . They are lovely

Monday 8 April 2013

A photo from my Easter holiday . Me bottom left ,next to me Sue , a Welsh girl who was a delight to be with , we hadn't met before the holiday but she was a joy to know . Bottom right is my daughter in law Alison , a very smiley girl and good fun . Next to Alison is another lovely lady , Margaret from Yorkshire . We shared mealtimes and evenings together .
They are water bottles on the table ,but , we had been given a bottle of wine by the restaurant manager , so ,it would have been rude not to drink it !!!!

Sunday 7 April 2013

I have been away on an Easter break with my daughter in law . Sunshine and long relaxing walks
Back down to earth now . On the way home from the airport , two villages away from where I live there was still snow in the fields .