Monday 27 February 2012


Lemons left in the fridge from pancake day . They would not keep much longer so ,

Butter ,6 oz . Sugar 6oz , zest and juice 3 lemons , 3 eggs

and lemon curd for breakfat or tea or tarts or cake .

20 mins , lovely .

Just about the only positive thing I have done today

Thursday 23 February 2012

Out of the window you blues

Yesterday I felt like my own worst enemy . Today entirely different .

Out for a walk , a bit of cutting back in the garden . I'm going to have a cuppa and then do some fabric rooting in the stash .

No, I have not got fushia in flower yet but looking at these garden pics, lift my heart .

Plus I was told this morning we shall be having a new baby in the family just before christmas

Wednesday 22 February 2012


The weather is so damp and miserable here in England .

It's making me feel tired and lethargic .

It will not be long for Spring and then the dull days will be forgotten . In the meantime I don't feel like knitting , sewing , reading , nothing .

I'm going to bed early because I'm tired then waking in the very early hours unable to go back to sleep .

Last night I awoke looked at the clock. I thought it said 6.15 . I felt quite chirpy ,got up made tea then glanced at the clock in the kitchen , Oh dear!! it was 3.30 . fooled again . I sat and worked out how to do bullion knots for embroidery.

The weather forcast is better for tomorrow, so they say !

Tuesday 21 February 2012

2 word verification

Several people have missed out having a comment from me today and several days previously , I just cannot read these two word verifications .
Sorry to Patty Pan
on asking about perfume and so many blogs showing their work .
I looked for email signs to compliment stuff being shown but not everyone has that facility .
I have noticed complaints , I do hope 2 word verification disappears . After writing a comment and then not getting it published is frustrating

Friday 17 February 2012

I'm late , I'm late

You will be standing on your head reading my blog today . The photo,s came out in a different order to how I intendedbecause my post disappeared twice but came back . I didn't want to start all over a third time so please look at the pictures and try to make a head and tail out of it all.

this is the other side of my black bag .i like doing and embellishing crazy patchwork . I made this about 2 years ago . I've been digging deep .

I've changed and written my blog twice and it has dis appeared before I finished it.

I'll now explain as I can see the photo's

The Blue Bag
This is a bag I made and gave to my friend bluebell . I haven't seen it used so perhaps it is too flash for her .

The Black Bag

This is the back and front of a bag i made about 2 years ago . I like this bag so much I haven't used it yet for shopping . It's time it had an airing so the next sunny day !!!

Even this blog is not coming out as intended , you are seeing the same side twice

This is what I made from a pattern in the magazine I am now buying . It's a case for my glasses . I think the back of it is on a post that disappeared before I could get it all sorted .

No!! on scrolling down I see all is in order . Nice one Mr Blogger

Just like the white rabbit in Alice in wonderland . I.m late . I said I would post a pic, of what I had made from a free pattern in my new magazine . This is the front and back of the glasses case .

Wednesday 15 February 2012


Yesterday bluebell and myself went to the Bramble patch one day yearly sale . We scrabbled with the rest of the ladies for our bargains . I didn't buy a lot of fabric . I did buy a creative grids 5 7/8 ruler . Very useful for half sq,. triangles . At £5 a bargain

It's a small but lovely place , for the sale they use the workrooms . It sure was crowded . When we stepped outside to return home we both said Phew, fresh air . I heard other ladies say the same thing .

The crowning point to my day was to find 3 magazines on my doormat . Recently bluebell introduced me to a magazine by Pat Winter . The mag is called Crazy Quilt Gatherings . I purchased issue No, 4 . That was the current issue at the time . I was so taken with the content of the magazine , I ordered the 3 previous issues . I have never seen a magazine detail one craft so comprehensivly .

It is beautifully illustrated , informative with many sites where to purchase the components to embellish crazy patchwork .

I have always done crazy patchwork but usually just feather stitched the seams . occasionally putting buttons on a bag .

I'm giving you Pat Winters blog , do take a look at her site it's mind blowing .

If you would care to take another look at my site tomorrow I will put on something I have made from the No,. 4 issue .

It isn't such a oh ! happy day today , my printer has decided to call it a day , I cannot complain I have had it about 5 years

Wednesday 8 February 2012


I cannot remember where these beautiful owls came from ,( I will credit you with owning them if you get in touch) but aren't they the cutist wearing their blue scarves ? It is so cold here in England .

My washing was freezing in the basket as I pegged it out . It does feel so fresh after being out on a frosty day .

I am also telling you if you click on the shabby fabric button below there is a free B,O,M . There are 2 blocks you could print off . Perhaps you would only want one for a cushion or T, cosy . Take a look .

I also found the easiest crochet pattern yet for making a chevron blanket on Attic 24 It is by crochet mummy a Yorkshire lass . Just the project for snuggling down in the chair with .

The Blackbird is still zealously guarding his daily dish of food and water . He nips in and out of the border checking it . I think I will have to watch his antics more often and make a lap quilt in his honour .

Monday 6 February 2012


It is so cold here in England at present , well in the area I live anyway . My family live 150 miles or so to the west and they have not had snow .
I sat yesterday watching the resident Blackbirds . This fellow was so funny . I put mashed potato and chicken skin in this container .He was having a good tuck in , then went into the border at the side of the garden but as soon as another blackbird came to feed he quickly flew out from his shelter to claim his territory . This went on for quite a time but it was enjoyable to watch the antics .

I spent a lot of time playing about with fabric yesterday afternoon . Nice and cosy in the kitchen . I did these 2 funky chicken . they are a B,O,M free on the blog of Sindy Rodenmayer.Thankyou Sindy .

I also reduced my scrap basket by doing 12 blocks . 12 with a border makes a decent size lap quilt . I have one ready to quilt with 30 blocks , when I add borders it will be a nice size to put on a double bed .

These quilts look very cottage chic . Amazingly quick to do , and the basket of bits is like the proverbial runcible spoon , never empty.

There are several B,O,Ms on blogs at present . They seem to start around this time of the year .

Friday 3 February 2012


NO , not an ice palace as such , it's my fish pond . I was concerned knowing that we were in for a frosty night . 8, o clock this morning when it was light enough I made it priority to check on my fish . I cannot see them so they must be o,k .

I saw a pic,. on a blog this week of 2 little girls winding wool . I ask the blog owner could I take it . Yes was the answer . I took the pic but it must be somewhere in my laptop .

In the meantime here is the real thing on canvas

It is the Henry Moore line drawing of Women winding Wool .

I shall look for the little girl pic,. later.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

February makeover

The blue pots are now in the kitchen . A fresh look for spring .

Too many for one place so they get spread around a bit

The pink pots that took pride of place inthe kitchen with all the red for chrismas are now on the dresser in the conservatory

It's very cold in England this week but the sun is shining today .

i am now going to sit with hot toast oozing with butterand a cuppa coffee . This afternoon I might read, I might sew or I might do nothing at all .