Sunday 28 September 2014

It's all done with mirrors

this could be a fleeting visit
I have titled it all done with mirrors when actually it is typed with a magnifier in one hand  and a magnifier in the other.
It's difficult ,
It has been a busy summer , beautiful but busy .
My two son's re ,landscaped my back garden for me .. It is now easier for me to manage .
The goldfish have gone to a new home a few doors  away . 12 were re,homed  . My neighbour said only one died. Most likely through stress
I'm showing cardigans I have knitted for the little ones in the family .
Two in lemon colour for the twins who were 2 years old recently and a pale pink one for their six year old sister
I used a tarn called cup cake .  It is a Peter Pan pattern and yarn . I loved using it
I have more knitting on the go for the children. I have been told about knitting for someone who has a stall inside a local hospital . She knits and sells her garments on the stall. the money goes to the childrens ward . It helps buy equipment.
It will be lovely to knit small garments like bootees, matinee coats and hats instead of 3 of every thing .
I will try to visit again ., it sure takes longer to put a post together using one finger
Bye for now xx


Elizabethd said...

So pretty.

Barb said...

That is pretty, yep no fun typing with one finger!

Scrappy quilter said...

So pretty and so good to hear from you.

margaret said...

Take care and do not strain your eyes.

Aunty Bee said...

It's lovely your back, take it easy, the knitting is cute.

Mac n' Janet said...

Nice work. Missed your postings, glad you were able to do one even if it involved magnifying glasses.

Anonymous said...

The cardigans are just adorable!

Cass @ That Old House said...

You are an inspiration. Your vision challenges are not keeping you down -- I am in awe of the knitting you are doing. Exquisite. I sneaked back in your posts, and saw some of the other projects.

You are very talented.
I hope you continue to share your art with us!

Chris H said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS Chick. And a Happy New Year too.