Saturday 10 October 2009

8 down 8 to go

I have just read bluebells blog , she ask me to tell you about the prunes ! Our corner of the sewing group was doubled up at this tale

The old gentleman who lives next door to me very often pops in to give me his latest news and fills me in on his daily happenings He does his grocery shopping online , usually gets on o,k no problems , doing his weekly shopping this week his computer froze !!! he kept dinging on the thing, nothing happened except !! a notice came up on the screen from Asda, sorry, we cannot let you have more than 16 tins of Prunes , laugh ! I was almost doubled up on the floor

We did have another funny incident when we were shopping , bluebell said, "look at that girls thin legs , I want legs like that" I solemnly replied " I want a six pack " we don,t ask for much really


Diane said...

I love Prunes - but 16 tinS!!! I love them best in "Far Breton" with loads of clotted cram!

Elizabethd said...

How funny! Good thing it didnt go on to deliver them to him!

cottonreel said...

But they were delivered to him . he said he has them with rice pudding--cottonreel

Scrappy quilter said...

That is too funny!!