Monday 1 June 2009

Catherine,s blog

Catherines blog is called -athousandclapping hands


Anonymous said...

Oh. I love the quilt for your hubby, Cottonreel!
What a neat idea.. You must treasure it..
thanks for sharing.
I love Catherines blog too!

ceecee said...

Hello again!

So nice to hear from you. My husband had such a late night last night, and I was waiting for him to get up so that I could show him the quilt you made for your husband. He is usually off on Sun. and Mon. but worked last night for his brother. He was delighted with your work and said to be sure to tell you that that was a beautiful tribute to the man you love.
His family arrived here from Sparta in the very early 1900's. His father was born in NYC in 1914. My father-in-law was a lovely, charasmatic man, as your husband was. They are beautiful people, those Greeks! Extremely proud of their heritage, and rightly so. I've just finishing lunching on a big Greek salad and I'm getting ready to take a long walk. I will be meeting friends at the restaurant tonight.
Have a pleasant rest of the day!

And thank you so much for mentioning my blog. Very kind of you.

Until next time,