Tuesday 30 June 2009

Bird house

This little bird house is on the blog of a girl called Laurie Star. It was easy to make ,if you can make a box,you will be able to make a bird house .
Laurie,s bird house is lovely . I shall do another up market property .
Please visit her site, there is more to learn.
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marlene@ByTheSeam said...

How very cute. Be sure and post yours when you do one.

Scrappy quilter said...

That is so cute. Can't wait to see yours if you do one. Can you post a link to her blog. Hugs..

LaurieStar said...

Wow! I am so in love with the house you did! I also like the way you photographed it! It came out so great.
Thank you for your kind comments - your emails really made my day. I will have to do a new one with a tutorial as you mentioned - or maybe a giveaway! Have a great day! :)

cottonreel said...

I ,m sorry ,perhaps I did not write my blog properly . I saw the bird house Laurie made and this is the one I made, Laurie,s site is-------------------http://lauriestar.blogspot.com/

Scrappy quilter said...

Whoops, I read it wrong too. I thought it was from Laurie's blog. Hope you have a wonderful Wed.