Tuesday 17 September 2013

Parcel post

My shoes arrived yesterday . A mail order purchase  not my usual style of shopping but they are cheap and cheerful . Leather moccasins . £9,50 per pair plus £3,95 p0stage .   Not a bad purchase £22,95 complete purchase .
They look better than slippers and o'k for nipping to our almost useless village co,op shop .
I really must do sewing that's landed from neighbours . We are a helpful community . Someone always seems to need a stitch in something .


Barb Oaker said...

Your shoes look quite comfortable. I find that I wear slippers around the house most of the time. I like the kind that you can wear outdoors a little. I'm to the age that comfort is beginning to trump style in everything I wear....especially shoes!

Pam said...

The red ones are lovely, where did you find them? I struggle to find bright coloured shoes except from Hotter, and at those prices they burn the fingers.

Elizabethd said...

I bought two pairs of similar shoes through the Telegraph, all leather and very wearable.

Angela said...

Just don't get dressed in the dark, or you may end up with odd feet!!