My shoes arrived yesterday . A mail order purchase not my usual style of shopping but they are cheap and cheerful . Leather moccasins . £9,50 per pair plus £3,95 p0stage . Not a bad purchase £22,95 complete purchase .
They look better than slippers and o'k for nipping to our almost useless village co,op shop .
I really must do sewing that's landed from neighbours . We are a helpful community . Someone always seems to need a stitch in something .
Your shoes look quite comfortable. I find that I wear slippers around the house most of the time. I like the kind that you can wear outdoors a little. I'm to the age that comfort is beginning to trump style in everything I wear....especially shoes!
The red ones are lovely, where did you find them? I struggle to find bright coloured shoes except from Hotter, and at those prices they burn the fingers.
I bought two pairs of similar shoes through the Telegraph, all leather and very wearable.
Just don't get dressed in the dark, or you may end up with odd feet!!
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