I planted my runner beans yesterday or I should say
Peter did . If they had been planted earlier they would not have been any good with all the rain . one of my garden seats have had a coat of paint ready for when the sun does decide to shine . The Patio has been jet washed and 12 bags of chipped bark spread around , I'm hoping to supress the weeds . They grow overnight with all the wet weather .
This year I have no crab apples on my 2 trees so no crab apple jelly this year . Both trees were loaded with blossom so I don't know what went awry there . The starlings stripped my pear tree for the second year running so no pears either . There definately isn't many Bramley apples .
My sewing, knitting and crochet have been on the back burner this week due to a painful shoulder . The doctor said it will probably have to be a steroid injection . Mmm!! I hope not .
I've joined Pinterest , all I have to do now is find out how to upload pictures on and pin pictures from other sites . There are some very interesting quilts on there
Wht a busy time you've had, I bet the garden looks great.
Take care with that shoulder.
Hope your shoulder is feeling better soon and you can get back to your sewing etc.
Love your flowers, from your garden?
The flowers are little snips here and there from the garden
I think the link should be http://willowberrydesigns.typepad.com/
the earlier one gets me nowhere|!!
I wondered what the giggling was all about in Fosse Park yesterday!!
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