I'm sure every one knows by now that we have had a lot of rain in England . It has meant sitting indoors instead of being in the garden or outside .I haven't had much get up and go or felt like doing much at all . I need sunshine for energy .
I have finished a quilt . this is a nine patch that is cut into four and re,assembled . It is a kit I bought at Bramble patch . I put borders on to make it bigger . I don't usually buy kits but I liked the colours . I can use the back of the quilt as a wholecloth .

There has been quite a bit of crochet on blogs at the moment . I like doing crochet and it's an easy to put down craft . A big plus is no threads of cotton trailing around , also no fluffy dust from cutting fabric . Anyway this is my settee Afghan . Browns,cream ,and an occasional row of pale blue .
Do you free motion quilt? Do you do so in an area, from left to right? I like the design. I've just started FMQ so I'll try to copy that.xx
Yes , I do free motion quilt . I really do enjoy the task . Mostly I do a circle about the size of an egg cup then sort of round petal four or five times then machine away from it and carry on.
It does pay to practice on a spare piece , something like an old pillow case with batting inside
I do a row down and then start from the top again.
Good luck
Great quilt - and I love the colours on your afghan ripple blanket
Love the quilt! I've heard of "9 patch" before though never really thought anything about it but can see how you've stitched 9 squares together and then cut into 4 and rearranged. Think I could manage that as I'm looking for something a bit quicker than log cabin for a future project.
Send me some rain, I will gladly take it, my garden is so dry. I also need the sun for energy.
Love the colours in your disappearing nine patch quilt, I do not buy kits. I like to make a quilt with fabric combinations that I know no one else has.
Your afghan looks nice and cozy.
I love the colours in your quilt,very spring like.The crocheted afghan is judt beautiful,that hint of blue just adds to it nicely :) Barb.
lovely crochet blanket, really love the blue it's perfect with the brown and cream.
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