Friday 15 January 2010

Nearly there

Tomorrow will be my birthday , I have long past had my quota of birthdays but I still face each day with a song in my heart and a skiffle around to the music on the radio , and when get a chance , a stupid fit of the giggles with bluebell
It has been a lovely day so far ,I had good news from my son , a trip to our fabric guild AND I went for a birthday lunch , compliments of bluebell .
I have pressies and cards to open in the morning
I have been reading in the British patchwork & quilting magazine Jan,. issue an article called African threads .
It tells how grandmothers are being left to care for their grandchildren orphaned by HIV/AIDS epidemic . These grannies are doing embroidery and applique and other crafts to help support these poor children, the wall hangings are beautiful . The article is detailed and too long for me to type but please look at
A lady calledValerie Header wrote the article
You can also send val an email
Valerie Header is a textile artist and author who was born in South Africa and lives in Nova Scotia Canada .
Valerie was awarded the Dorothy McMurdie Award by the Canadian quilters Ass,.for her contribution to quilting in Canada
Valerie would welcome links to her websites to help promote the work of South African textile artists
I do not know Valerie but was so moved by the article I wanted to share it .


cottonreel said...

Valeries surname is HEARDER not HEADER, I apologise for the error---cottonreel

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Happy birthday tomorrow; I hope your heater is finally fixed so you can celebrate without your mittens on:-)

Who Lives in a house like this? said...

Hi and thankyou so much for following my I love curtains Blog! I'll start posting on there a lot more soon! no none are my home unfortunately! But if you have a look at my other blog you'll find pics of my house and some of the curtains I have made! I'm really enjoying your blog too! And wishing you a great Birthday tomorrow Jason Xx

Scrappy quilter said...

Happy Birthday dear friend. Hope it's a wonderful one. I've bookmarked the links, going to check them out later. Hugs

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday tomorrow!! I just can't help but gawk at the Grandmother's flower garden quilt on the bed. Just beautiful!

Mandy Noble said...

Happy Birthday!!

Bridget B said...

Happy Birthday to you!!! Also love your flower garden quilt.

Elizabethd said...

Happy Birthday...on the right day too!

prashant said...

I'm really enjoying your blog too

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