I really enjoyed christmas but I,m so looking forward to Spring . My son and daughter,in, law visited over christmas, Sue told me her daffodil bulbs are already showing the little pointy leaves . Where they live in Bristol the daffodils are over before the ones here in the midlands are in flower.
Iv,e been browsing the blogs, www.beeinmybonnet.com has lovely flower pics,. on her blog . She lives in Utah . I,m hoping my garden will be top notch this year . It will be the second year after the revamp . I used to have birds in my garden , they went elsewhere when the trees and bushes were taken down . they are slowly coming back. I sit in the conservatory watching but I must get binoculars to keep a better watch .
At present I,m into anything pearls , cheap cheerful ,or otherwise . I love pearl and pearlescent things, so this year I shall be looking out for such things. Places like the boutique shops usually carry strings of pearls .
I wanted to trim my white christmas tree with silver and turquoise baubles at christmas . Blue or turquoise were not to be seen anywhere so the decorations were the same as last year .
This year I will only make lap quilts , no full size . looking at the blogs there are plenty of knick knacky things to keep my fingers busy . I shall be on the lookout for a length of shabby roses fabric to make a mantle cover.
I received lots of presents at christmas, all my family and friends gave me wonderful things . I thought no one had given me a diary but the last thing I unwrapped was a diary , I thought by the shape of the parcel it was a bar of chocolate . A diary , my happiness was complete.
I haven,t made any new year resolutions but I will try to keep a tighter hold on the purse strings .
So glad that you recieved the lovely diary you were wanting. How nice it would be to stroll down our small town in the sun, but it is dreary and damp here in "sunny" California, so I am watching the Tournament of Roses Parade down in Southern California (where it is sunny and 65F!!) to try to soak up some vitamin D via the telly!
A blessed and happy new year to you!
Happy New Year!!
Like you I went for a walk today and we were having a fantastic day! So bright and crisp! If it was not that cold could be a spring day! So happy.
If my dear blogging friend Barb reads this , I would like you to know I have tried many times to leave comments on your blog but ,no luck . I wish you a wonderful 2010 , The quilting blog you talk about http://freemotionquilting.blogspot .com superb
Happy New Year friend. I can't wait to see what you make in the new year. I've had some problems commenting on blogs too. And I totally agree, that freemotion.blogspot is awesome. Hugs and all the best in the new year.
Happy New Year! I would love to take a walk in your village any time of the year, but especially when your English flower gardens are in bloom. I imagine it's beautiful!
The Erotion Bundle Project is an experimental project where you see and document what the outdoor elements do to your chosen material (the bundles) over a 3,5 months time. Then you make something (a quilt in my case since that is my medium) of the material. I love the colour of rust, so I want my fabrics stained with rust in various shapes.
Thanks for visiting my little blog. I've really enjoyed looking around your's. I love your quilting! I know exactly what you mean about revamping a yard. We've been working on our backyard for the last 3 years ever since we put in our guest house. It's still a ways off. Looks like you've been having cold weather. We don't get that cold here. Frost and that's about it. Snow maybe every 50 years or so. We go to our cabin if we want real winter. It's at 7,200 feet elevation and so it gets quite a bit of snow. 2 feet up there right now.
Happy New Year.
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