Sunday 3 January 2010


Some mornings I decide to spend an extra hour in bed reading a magazine . I am an early riser .
I get myself organised with a cup of tea and a ginger biscuit, usually on a tray with a pretty tray cloth , teapot, milk jug and a cup , saucer , and plate that matches .
I settle nicely ,sometimes re,filling my hot water bottle . I open my chosen magazine ( Country homes and interiors )
After getting a third of the way through , the guilt starts to kick in . Looking at the beautiful tidy , superbly decorated , co,ordinated accessories in country cottages , I start thinking , I must get up , tidy the kitchen , dust my sitting room and plump the cushions .
I,m a patchwork / quilter so I always have a sewing bag at the side of where I sit , it is overflowing with threads of cotton that catch and trail . a pincushion loaded with pins and needles it could be classed as a W,M,D and bits of paper with jottings and ideas .
I think it must be wonderful to live in one of these dream homes with only the veg,. on the draining board ready for lunch , a bunch of flowers on the hall table waiting to be arranged . The sitting room with just the curtains to be tweaked to perfection before sitting in the window seat to read Country homes and Interiors .
Dream on cottonreel .
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Anonymous said...

Happy New Year and welcome back to reality!!

You made me smile reading your post!! I am a country bumpkin and I love the country houses, cottages, way of life - I even love the pictures on the magazines!

By Hoki Quilts said...

Hi Solomi, don't feel guilt, I bet you have so many interesting things in your life. I bet there are more of us with bits and bobs down the side of our chairs than not and we are more the better for it - a pin at the ready for the odd splinter, paper and pen for quick notes, needle and thread for lost buttons, the list goes on. A girl scout at the ready "be prepared".

Anonymous said...

Ah, Solomi, you must have been reading my mind because today I was thinking of staying in my house robe and nightgown and not getting dressed at all! But I felt guilty too! And then I looked at my "bed hair" in the mirror and thought I shouldn't want to look like a mess all day! ;-)
Off to the shower right now to look human again and fit for company! ;-)
Hugs! Diane

Bunny said...

I think it is that kind of day here to, but I must get the tree down and tidy up LOL. I was thinking of staying in my PJ's too. Have a wonderful peaceful day and Happy New Year.

Vintage Girl said...

Sounds like a lovely way to start each day! Your room looks so comfortable and calming. Have a beautiful day! Blessings, Heather