Friday 22 June 2012

This weekend I will not be answering the phone (unless I recognise the number) I intend to sit and sew . I seem to get distracted and then I get nothing done .
If the weather doesn't soon change I shall give up on the garden . The weeds are now growing fast and furious , I refuse to weed when it's raining . This isn't my only problem ,!!  the rain is overflowing the fish pond and submerging the pump . Woe is me .


sara said...

Darn that rain.........enjoy your sewing and forget about the rain. x

Caz said...

We may all be needing boats soon!!!

Sandies' Patch said...

I think I've got webs growing between my toes...oh well, it'll get me through the water easier! LOL!
I know what you mean re- the garden, my veggies seem to be frozen (almost) in time, I wonder if they will make it to maturity!

Let's all do a Sundance, surely we have enough water now???

Sandie xx