Saturday 9 June 2012

Peace andTranquility

If like me you like to look at a blog that isn't about making stuff but has beautiful pictures please look at I'm not sure if these instructions will take you directly but it's easy enough to put into your google bar .
Soothing Irish music too . With a name like Maura there just has to be an Irish connection somewhere


Anonymous said...

what a wonderful blog it is.
Thank you for sharing

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Well what a wonderful surprise! Thank you for your sweet post...I'm so glad you enjoy your visits to my blog. Yes it is very peaceful living here in the country and I do love taking photo's. I can honestly say that one of the great things of having a blog is that it has greatly improved my picture taking skills although I have a LONG LONG way to go. You have a very nice blog...I have always wanted to be more handy with a needle and thread so I will enjoy following you. Maybe I will learn something! Since it is in the middle of the afternoon in Great Brittan I hope you are having a wonderful day. Take care.
Maura :) PS...I've been told I have Irish roots but most of my roots are in England.

cottonreel said...

What a lovely surprise to have Maura pick up my blog
Her blog will be my shangri la