Friday 13 August 2010

Dull days and doldrums

It,s hard today to be cheerful , In England or at least in my neck of the woods it,s heavy showers . It has been like this on and off all week .
Bluebell called with scones filled with jam and cream , we had tea and a gossip
I have put the sewing aside for a few days and brought out the knitting pins and wool .I,m knitting winter cardi,s for Ellie .
I also bought a pattern for knitted toys and wool . They will be stocking fillers for christmas.
Bluebell left a bag of apples behind so I nipped to her house with them and had a sneak peek at a cottage quilt she has almost finished . I tell you this quilt is a stunner , it relly is very nice . It made me want to rummage in my fabric but I must finish what I,m doing . I ,m not one for having several things on the go at once but !!!!!! I might weaken and start cutting sqares .


Anonymous said...

True it has been pouring down here too. I have been very lucky since I had to go to (aarrrghhh) Oxford Street it was OK - when I came back it was OK again.
If I cant finish my actual project - I start a new one. That's my moto.
So nice to have scones with jam and cream filled with up-to-date gossip...

Micki said...

Ireland is the same...lots of rain.
We are into fall soon, and our whole summer was like fall.

Anonymous said...

You and Bluebell always have the most fun girlfriends times!