Monday 16 August 2010

Bit Scary!!!

Five magpies strolling on the lawn across the road to me , must be a family. Know the saying? one for sorrow ,two for joy , what is it for 5 .
I had a lovely day yesterday, I did a bit of everything but the most productive ? this border is now clean and ready to be planted with just tulips , yes , I know , not till November but the soil will have settled nicely . I dug it over it, was just like flour in a mixing bowl , easy and a joy to turn over
Bluebell gave me some Verbena boneriensis, they went in , self seeders , good . Another hydrangea in there too . Yhe yellow Kerria is out , been looking at it for 5 years , bored with it and the Ribes , thats out, a lot of root there , that will take an age to remove . I like my garden to change and evolve , there are a lot of new plants out there to enjoy
I visited my neighbour yesterday to take her some lavender , she has a gardener . I,m not being spiteful but , I could do better for her . To pay someone I would expect something more .
I cleared up the scrabby fallen apples and the cerastium you might know it as Snow on the mountain , I love the colour of the leaves and the smell of it in flower but it has to be pulled out to ground level in the Autumn .
Now for coffee and scrambled egg and the room ready for Alison . Must remember a pressy on her pillow .
I feel quite uplifted after a few days of feeling oppressed by the wet and cold weather . My daughter -in-law Alison is coming today to spend a few days with me , I,m looking forward to that . Lots of good gossiping .


Angela said...

One for sorrow, two for joy
Three for a girl and four for a boy
Five for silver, six for gold
Seven for a secret never to be told

Watch out for the silver then!!

Elizabethd said...

Our garden is still undiggable due to the dry weather. It's like cement! Your border looks lovely. How sensible to be getting ready for the Autumn, though I dont like to think of the year passing so fast.

Anonymous said...

Angela is right - watch out for the silver
your garden border is so pretty

Elizabethd said...

PS...hope you got my letters re Apple jelly?

Jane said...

Your border is very pretty, and are those Forget Me Nots that I see there? I have a zillion FMN seedlings about the place but none in flower like yours. I emptied a pot or two yesterday and transplanted some wallflowers from my nursery bed - I'm just hoping I can squash in some tulips on Bonfire Night :O)

Elizabethd said...

PPS...wonder if I ahve a wrong e mail address? Could you send me a private e mail please and I will check. I've sent you 2 mails!