Sunday 24 May 2009

Extra to requirement

If you remember ,bluebell and myself went hunting for teacups last Tuesday. For anyone who isn,t in the know ,the teacups are for bluebells daughter,s wedding next year, vintage t,cups will be for each lady guest , the teapot , milk jug and sugar bowl are not needed so bluebell gave them to me . I was thrilled, I think the pattern is called Plant, it says Tuscan china, made in England . I think it is worth collecting English bone china. Many, many of our specialist china manufacturers are going under due to the recession and also because so many of our specialist industrys are being shipped abroad. I cannot stand porcelain cups and saucers . My gripe is , they make toilets of that stuff .
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Coloradolady said...

Very nice to meet you! Thank you for your comment, at least I don't feel so bad!! have me sitting on the edge of my seat here wanting more info on this teacup hunt. What exactly and what type of display are you going to use these as wedding favors? I love that idea, it is right up my alley....but I know my daughter would think I was, we are not planning a wedding....but someday!!

Anyway, this is a cute idea, what are you going to put in the cups? What type of cups are you looking for? I'm willing to help you in your search!!

Scrappy quilter said...

I love the idea of the fine china for the wedding. I didn't realize that china companies are going out of business. Might be time to buy a few more at yard sales. They are always so pretty. I always look for Royal Albert it.

Elizabethd said...

How pretty!