Yes, I'm praising my own work . Whichever way I look at this quilt I really like it , I'm pleased . If you cannot say that about your own work then hide it away .
I bought a book when I went to the Malvern show earlier in the year . The book is called Floral Quilts from Grandma's cupboard . A Leisure Arts book . I paid £17 for it . When we came home bluebell looked on the internet and got it for £6 NEW!!! . grrrrrr,
The birds will have plenty of cover in my garden this year , everything is pretty lush with all the rain we had .
I'm now off to have my lunch . Jacket potato with chilli . Hopefully I will be sewing this afternoon if Pinterest doesn't capture my attention . I have fabric cutting to do as well . I did intend to pop to the town for knitting yarn but a neighbour called so that didn't happen . I seem to have open house , there is always someone dropping in . I never turn anyone away saying sorry I'm going out . 
I love your quilt from every angle,'s glorious! You do such wonderful applique. Your garden is looking fantastic from all the speing rain. Have a wonderful day...!
Love your quilt. I believe i have seen that book in the library here in town. Me thinks it needs to be borrowed for a closer look.
Nice garden too, mine is looking better now we have had a couple of decent rains during the past week or two.
I love that quilt - I'm going to add applique to my list of 'dreams' - my quilting queen arrived today and I'm just in love with it - I will be making FM's daughter a baby quilt with it
You should be pleased, this quilt is beautiful! The soft colors add to its charm. Lovely finish ~
Lovely, bright and fresh quilt,, well done you!!!
LOve,love,love your quilt,can't wait to see the rest as you make them up :) Barb.
Thankyou everyone for such lovely comments
Such a shame not being able to leave a comment on 2 blogs . It said profile not available . One is Barb Oaker
The othe blog was Frugal queen . I'm sure have visited there before
I love that quilt too and all the others on your blog I have just started to sew quilts and have the bug!
I love bright colours and have the fabric to start one in Moda Terrain, a Jelly roll with some extra fabric to have good size squares with the smaller ones from the jelly roll. Can't wait to get started!
Happy quilting!
Chris x
I love applique too... and your quilt is GORGEOUS!!!
I'm working on a baby quilt right now using applique too.
Your quilt is lovely and I just love applique. You certainly should be proud of it.....that's a lot of work! Kerry x
hi kathleen, your quilt is absolutely beautiful, love it x
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