Thursday 20 May 2010

Oh dear!!

I did too much gardening again . Trying too hard to get plants in while the weather is good . I spent at least 5 hours gardening with a break for lunch and a little snooze . That was 3 hrs,. this morning and 2 hrs,. from 4 o,clock . then I decided I would have mackeral salad , I added waldorf and an egg , then fruit and cream for a sweet , result , I feel quite yukky , I,ve had a shower , now I,m going to bed with my murder mystery and a glass of water , I,ll try to ignore the yukky feeling . I think I,ll sleep on an extra pillow .


Barb said...

wow, that is alot of gardening.....and good exercise.....

Piece by Piece said...

That is a lot of work, hope you feel better in the morning. Take it easy.

Kathy said...

Wow! Good for you. I usually work in the yard for about an hour...two at the most and then I've had it. Hope you feel better.

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Hope you feel better soon! Which murder mystery are you reading?

Elizabethd said...

I think you have done a bit too much. Take some rest and feel better soon.

Micki said...

You really did work a lot...Try to rest and hope you feel better!

Angela said...

That sounds like WAY too much gardening for one day! Rest a bit!