This is a button tree, sorry you have to lie down to look at it. It,slovely though don,t you think

These little cuties I love . I have to get another hanger for them

This is the sort of Patchwork I absolutely love . It,s clever and shows a lot of imagination. I like doing this kind of work myself . You can get lost in time creating . Not to be found as a pattern just dipping in your stash

To me ,this is also very creative
The button tree is fantastic! I must make one!! XXX
The quilt with the applique and pieced blocks is a very good one.
Beautiful. I really like the button tree.
Love the tree, but all creations are really lovely. TTFN ~Marydon
What talent! I would love to have spent time gazing.
Love that button tree...I MEAN LOVE IT!!!! I'M GOING TO HAVE TO MAKE ONE ALSO!
That button tree cost £5, isn,t that brilliant, bluebell had one too.--cottonreel
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