Friday 21 June 2013

Re , cycled

I paid for a bird bath , lots of cash . They never even sat on the side of it  . It has been in my garden for 2 perhaps 3 years . They just didn't want to know .
A couple of weeks ago I decided to turn this old patio table top upside down and put water in it . I placed it in a sheltered spot . The birds love it !!
Plenty of space for a good splash . clean enough to drink .
The blackbirds in my garden are so fussy about what they eat . They love all kind of biscuits but the other day I put some Orio's out . They didn't even give them a try . I cannot complain , I don't like them either.
We have had such a lot of heavy rain again . I don't hold much hope for my small plants . Some of them were almost floating
For anyone who likes to make soft toys there is a pattern for a small dinosaur on the blog of It would be nice for a fund raiser .
Off to have my tea , spaghetti bolognaise


Pam said...

My birds have an upturned plastic dustbin lid, the bin has potatoes growing in it, I put shingle and bigger stones in it and some logs around so that the hedge hog can have a drink as well. I have seen the odd toad in there although they have their pond and boggy bit in the wild corner.

cottonreel said...

Thanks for the info Pam re, bird bath.
I'll look around the garden for large stone . I'll chop a piece from the apple tree for a log

Pat Winter Gatherings said...

I had the same problem, two expensive stone bird baths, no birds. They all landed in my fountain, actually on the lady in my fountain when I realized, I forgot to put something for them to stand on in the middle of the water. I use stone frogs or sometimes a large rock. They like to stand on something in the water, not so much on the edge or in deep water.
But what you did works too! Good to know.I think the pretty bird baths are for us to look at,LOL.

Barb Oaker said...

This reminds me of children who discard the expensive gift and prefer playing with the box!