The cushion I'm showing was on a stall . The lady heping said it was a cushion she had made , she didn't have a pattern but she would hold it up and we could take a photo . Usually people are so , no no no , but we didn't ask , she offered , such a lovely gesture .
The autumn show is not huge but essential if you want the shopping . One of my fave,. shops were not there , Cotton Patch . I wanted Kaffe Fasset fabric , they have a good range . I know I could shop online but it isn't like buying from the roll in front of you , also there is post and p,. to consider .
I have long wanted a red and white quilt . On the fabrication stand they had displayed a lovely red and white quilt by Susan Briscoe called Famoe quilt . I had to pay
£4.50.for issue no,75 which is Dec ,2011. Not really on to charge full price for a last years magazine but I suppose you want it , you pay for it . Still cheap for a pattern , say no more .
I bought fabric from 3 different stalls to make the quilt .I shall buy the backing later.
I bought a felting kit , this is something else I have been wanting to have a go at . I think it will give a three D effect to embriodery on a bag .
I'm now juggling , crochet ,hand quilting on my zig zag quilt ,and other bit,s . but onward I go.
I bought 2 bag kits. The stallholder didn't have just the patterns but at least I will not be fishing around for the fabrics that attracted me to the bags initially .
I also bought a pack of hand dyed fabric for applique . A great stall with fabric so reasonably priced .
I was looking around for Madiera Super Twist machine embroidery thread . No one sold it so I suppose I will have to trawl the internet . I want no other so the search continues .
Yes ! I spent too much but it's a long winter . It was very dark this morning . We put the clocks back 1 hr,. tonight . It's a tradition I think should be scrapped but who am I to say .
The weather forcast is arctic cold but it is a beautiful sunny morning .
Bye for now .
For my red and white quilt
My bag patterns and kit
My felting pack
My hand dyed fabric
Glad you had a good day at the show, just a word to the wise, do not plan anything for late May early June and expect visitors!!!
Hi Cottonreel,
I am jealous that you have been to a show, would love to go to one. Maybe next year.
We had snow last night and it was bad on the roads. We followed a double decker bus up a bank and it was sliding all over the road. .main thing is we got home safely. The sun is shining lovely this morning too and most of the snow has gone. Look after yourself and if you venture out wrap up warm. x
How very very cool, when I have some money, I'm going to do just the same, now go one and enjoy every minute of those projects xxxx love froogs
I'm going to Malvern tomorrow,,, can't wait. I have things that I need to buy,, but I may buy something that I want. Might get another Crazy Patch kit!!!!
O.M.G. I am seriously in love with this pillow---and how gracious that she offered for you to photograph it. Just wonderful.
you have got lots of lovely projects on the go - looking forward to seeing how you get on good luck with the felting - thats something i would love to accomplish Betty
I would have wanted to bring that gorgeous cushion straight home!
Glad you had such a good day.
I love that cushion!! The red quilt will look the fabric. Sounds as though you had a lovely day out. Kerry
Forgot to say,, there is a raffle being held for Susan Briscoe's 'Fanoe' quilt throught the 'Popular Patchwork' forum. Thought you would like to know.
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