I had the best day yet at Malvern Quilt Show , Bluebell and myself had a great time . I didn.t get tired at all . Was it because I had a coca cola at lunch time!! I bought a little , spent a little .
I bought a roll of fabric from Kim Porter of 'Warm and Washed' she has beautiful recycled fabrics cut like jelly rolls . I had a 4" wide roll that equals 4 mtrs fabric . Tomorrow I shall put on a pic ,. of my roll . I have looked at Kim's fabric for the last 3 yrs but thought although beautiful it seemed out of my price bracket but this year I went for it . At present I,m still stroking it . I bought 2 patterns . A christmas one and a pincushion pattern , Patterns had gone up in price , now £8 where they used to be £6 . The price of fabric on most stalls was extortionate . Even the price of gadgets had been increased . Patchworkers will be using their stash instead of falling for new lines .
The quilt in the pictures is a 9 patch I have made for my daughter in law .
I have recently taken part in 2 swaps . I sent my end of the bargain off but have received nothing in exchange . Why are people so unfair? No more exchange blocks etc, for me . I didn,t need them , I was entering into the spirit of the thing . I could have saved on materials and postage .