Wednesday 25 November 2009

Cherry Pie

The pattern for this cherry pie is on the blog of chitterchatter designs, I think it can be seen on both of Cori,s blogs, the other one being creativity among chaos . It is easy to make , she also sells the pins

This is my lunch, I wish the cherry pie was to follow


Anonymous said...

So yummy! - both of them!

Barb said...

couldn't get the link to work, will look on your side bar.

Love the lunch you are having but the pie is more tempting.

Elizabethd said...

Mmmm, can I come to lunch?

Piece by Piece said...

Your lunch looks yummy. We are having sausage for our dinner, Patricia

cottonreel said...

A little bit of warning and all are welcome to lunch---cottonreel

Anonymous said...

Cottonreel, I wish you DID have tinned pumpkin over there! Do they not grow them in the UK? We actually have a shortage of them here in the US this year because of the weather. I was lucky to find a tin of it.

Love your little "cherry pie"! Adorable! Thank you for visiting my blog today and I'm thankful (on our Thanksgiving Day) for having "met" you!


Judit said...

It's lovely!!
Hugs: Judit

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pie! I love it and will be checking out the link for it. Thanks!