It seems I have loaded my pics,. in reverse order but never mind .
At the malvern show , do you recall I bought fabrications magazine for Dec ,. 2011 because I wanted to make this quilt .
If you start at the bottom of this blog I have a pic ,. of the magazine and fabrics I purchased .
The sponge cake I made as an energy booster to keep me going . I'm not always successful at sponges but this one turned out fine , filled with my home made strawberry jam and buttercream . I used 3 eggs , weighed they came to 8 ozs so I used flour ,butter and suger to match . Ah! sweet success .
I have put pictures of my quilt in various stages . On my bed it is being sorted into the best way using the blocks . They are not joined at this stage .
On the quilt rail the top is completed . It now needs batting and backing . I would have liked to complete it on my frame to be machine quilted but I think it is too big . . I still want to machine quilt it but it will have to be the Juki machine on the kitchen table and steady as I go .
I am very pleased with it up to now , it went together like a dream .
This afternoon bluebell rang, shall we go to Bramble Patch tomorrow ? o,k sez I .
Put the purse in the cellar and button down the hatch !!!!!!