The village is very , very old .It dates back to the Magna Carta . All the records of the village from that era on were displayed .I did write in my blog recently of the 800th birthday of the church. Perhaps you would like to scroll back and read that event .
Anyway I digress . We have tiny terraced houses with small gardens bursting with flora and fauna .Some of the soil looked as old as the village itself . We went to a house that used to be the forge. The length of the garen was unbelievable . The manor house the same . Beautiful old houses with amazing gardens . Family houses with rows of vegetables . Ultra modern houses with Yucca,s (ugh!) I have nothing against Yucca,s but they are not people friendly.
There were cream teas in the church hall . Some of the houses had tables with lace cloths displaying cakes and preserves for sale . Lots of plants for sale . Stupid me! I did not check my purse before setting out. I had enough with me for a small plant . I usually go over the top spending at these events . The people who take part work so hard to make sure their lawns and borders look good .
There were no fractious children . In the tea rooms there was a little boy with his cushion that squeaked !! when he sat on it , then so innocently said whenever anyone looked "it,s my cushion"
It must be an amazing place. I love gardens and old buildings. Someday I'd love to visit there.
save up ,come and see me
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