Sunday, 24 May 2009


These pretty Iris,s were put on the charity table at our sewing group . They were from one of our ladies allotment. just £1 in the charity box . I can never resist flowers. Ladies put all kinds of veg on as the season gets under way . Marrows are not popular but I like marrow , good in soup, fine for chutney,and nice as a dinner veg roasted . or cooked in tomatoes. I don,t mind if the are picked young and soft or left until they are huge .

My weekend magazine has an article about Medlers . A very ancient fruit . not one that has been messed about with (for the want of a better word) by fruit growers .They are a strange fruit, in Cyprus they call them Mespilus. My sister in law ,Androulla is very fond of them . you see the trees in the gardens of old houses . They are at their best when going over, soft brown , and squashy . I eat most things but I don,t like mespilus .
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Scrappy quilter said...

Those flowers are so pretty. My Iris's are just starting to come up. I can't wait for them to bloom. They are always so pretty. Hugs..

Elizabethd said...

We have medlars in France, and they are supposed to be eaten when almost tooooo ripe, not nice.