Tuesday 4 August 2009

hello friends

I arrived in Cyprus safely, my son was at the airport to meet me, the flight was good , the plane was full . Today myself and my daughter in law went into Larnaca , coffee at Mcdonalds, a stroll around the shops and a trip along the road to Lazarus church to light candles for our dear ones . Back to the front along the sea for another cold drink. We were sauntering along chatting, then a tap on the shoulder, a hunky guy said are you British , I replied ,no, English , would you like to come for lunch . I ask are you married, first he said ,no, a bit more chatting, he said his name was Louie .mmm . and where are you from Louie , the big apple said he, and then admitted he was married and his wife was in New york and would be doing the same thing. he was in Cyprus for a month and was obviously on the prowl , well we were not for the taking, the cheek of the man . We were waiting for my son to pick us up at the arranged place . no David ! more mmm. had he got the time wrong ? NO, the BMW he had been loaned had conked out!! all Cyprus is on holiday, cannot be repaired for 2 weeks , some other frinds can rent a car to him from Sunday We are in a beautiful big house, out in the wilds , 1 large dog lovely gentle nature , 3 delightful cats , so friendly, and we are within walking distance of nowhere , No,one is champing at the bit yet, so all is well . Yesterday I wieghed in at 76.8 today I wieghed in at 77.2 ? at this rate I will be like a barrel by the end of the month


Scrappy quilter said...

It's so good to hear you arrived safely. You've been missed. It sounds like things are going well. Enjoy your holiday and the food!! Hugs.

Michela said...

Hi Cottonreel!
Have a great holiday!
Looking forward to see your holiday pictures!

Beedeebabee said...

Hi Sweetie! You sound like you're having fun! Enjoy your vacation, and don't worry too much about the eating, that's part of the fun! Hugs, paulette :o)

Piece by Piece said...

Glad you arrived safely. Sounds as if you are having a nice time. Don't worry about the weight, I always overeat when I vacation, and when I get back home and into my regular routine tt comes off. Love to see some of your pictures. Patricia

Bluebell said...

Hi Kathleen,
Glad you arrived safe and sound hope it is nice and warm with you, it is warm here but also very wet. Have a great holiday and please don't talk to strange men.

Elizabethd said...

so glad to hear you are safely in your lovely Cyprus.