Friday 5 July 2013

Playing around

looking at my pictures in Picassa and exploring .
On this collage is two more balls of wool for my crochet hexies, fruit I was preparing for a fruit salad at lunchtime .
The flowers in the middle of the collage had been accidently broken from the plants when weeding .
I cannot throw them away so into a milk bottle and on to my table in the conservatory .  This time of the year I love little snippets of flowers from the garden , much preffered to boquets from the supermarket .
It's been a lovely relaxing day . Silver sewer came to visit , we swopped plants , ideas and classified information . well , classified to we two .
You know how conversation goes between friends , Did you hear about !!!  well I never , who'd have thought !!

Must water the plants now , it's been a hot day , lovely .
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