One of those days so much to do but I seem to be going backwards .
The ice on my fish pond has almost thawed so I decided to top up the water and sort out the pump . It gave up when the ice reached about 6 inches . I went into the garage to switch on and realised I hadn,t put the spray fitting in the right position . foolish that I am ,!!! I stood at the pond to adjust it , the outcome? one very wet woman who had been in the shower only 1/2 hour earlier was a very wet cold woman smelling of fish pond water .
Oh well ! worse things happening elsewhere .
I read somewhere that putting a football in your pond stops it freezing so I'm going to have a go. I bet you looked a right state! xxxx
I'm sorry but that is just so funny. Hope you dried off well. Hugs
I have just had a very difficult half hour - and your post has cheered me up enormously - so you did not suffer in vain! hope you had another WARM shower afterwards to recover.
LOL, I'm sorry to laugh but that little accident is the type of thing I manage to do all the time. Hope you didn't catch a chill.
Hi there - thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a lovely comment. I've enjoyed reading your last few posts. Lol about the pond spray - not funny at the time I guess - hope all is sorted now as there is more cold weather on the way. I be back to visit your blog again:)
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