Friday 19 November 2010

If you like CAT'S or poetry please read

This beautiful black cat does not belong to me but before his ? owners moved he was a frequent daily visitor . He snoozed on my bed , followed me about but never begged or wanted food. I really miss him.
Several years ago I used to write a lot of poetry . I,m going to put on my blog a poem I wrote about 2 cats while living in Cyprus . Lot,s of cats there.
Whisky is a cat belonging to a friend , Manos and Chloe are fictional
Today I met Whisky's cousin Manos
he lives in a village close to Paphos
Manos has a girlfriend her name is Chloe
her fur is thick , white and snowy
her breed is persian ,she's aloof and true
she has eyes only for Manos , no other will do .
They dine on fish , and saucers of ouzo ,and Chloe dreams about her trousseau
her dowry's a basket with a feather bed
the basket is wicker and painted red
Sometimes they sit on a fence and sing ,till plates crashing around them drown out the din .
Manos lives at the Hotel Cleree where English visitors sit and sip tea
The owner of Chloe is a man of renown
a very distinguished man in the town
He's quite fond of Manos as a prospective groom , serenading his Chloe under the moon
Will they have kittens ? who can say, that tale will be told another day .
There is a bit more to this ,keep a lookout,

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