Sunday 24 October 2010

Is Anybody There?

The blocks I am showing are from the blog of Bunny Hill , she has been posting the patterns since the beginning of the year . These were the 1st 4 blocks , I completed these this week . It will be my christmas quilt for this year . The patterns are very pretty and are free to be printed off. Thankyou Bunny .
Earlier today my son rang, "Are you alright he ask, Alison says you have not put anything on your blog for a few days " " Well not just at the moment " I replied . I was putting together these bookshelves that I bought from Ikea ,it was really a 2 person job ,but determination won the day .
The dresses hanging on the door , are sundresses made from pillowcases , They will be posted to America and from there posted on to South Africa for little girls , they also need shorts for boys.


Anonymous said...

Nice to see you! To see you nice!
These blocks are so cute and the sun dresses are even more. For sure they will make some girls smile under the hot sun.

MyCretanlife said...

Thats a very greek looking banner you have on your blog. Pleased to see that the bookcase didn't beat you and those sundresses look good too. I think your christmas quilt will be lovely, glad to see you keeping busy.

Unknown said...

good to see you xx

Angela said...

Love the little dresses for Africa!
We have just been wrestling with assembly of an IKEA chandelier x

Anne Sutton said...

Kathleen, your blocks are just adorable! What a cute Christmas quilt you will have. Keep working you're almost caught up!

Jane said...

Those shelves and sundresses look great - you have been busy!