Monday 6 February 2012


It is so cold here in England at present , well in the area I live anyway . My family live 150 miles or so to the west and they have not had snow .
I sat yesterday watching the resident Blackbirds . This fellow was so funny . I put mashed potato and chicken skin in this container .He was having a good tuck in , then went into the border at the side of the garden but as soon as another blackbird came to feed he quickly flew out from his shelter to claim his territory . This went on for quite a time but it was enjoyable to watch the antics .

I spent a lot of time playing about with fabric yesterday afternoon . Nice and cosy in the kitchen . I did these 2 funky chicken . they are a B,O,M free on the blog of Sindy Rodenmayer.Thankyou Sindy .

I also reduced my scrap basket by doing 12 blocks . 12 with a border makes a decent size lap quilt . I have one ready to quilt with 30 blocks , when I add borders it will be a nice size to put on a double bed .

These quilts look very cottage chic . Amazingly quick to do , and the basket of bits is like the proverbial runcible spoon , never empty.

There are several B,O,Ms on blogs at present . They seem to start around this time of the year .


Kim @ Him, Him Me said...

Love those chickens.

Bunny said...

Great chickens. Boy oh boy you do have a lot of snow. I think all of our snow went your way.