You would think a mouse would not enter a bag with these illustrations on . I stored my tulip bulbs in this bag .
It has been a beautiful day today , sunny , breezy , cold but o,k for getting into the garden . I did some tidying ,getting leaves up etc,. I decided to plant the daffodils that I did not get chance to last autumn . Either they bloom or they don,t . Having done that I thought , we are on promise for another pleasant day tomorrow I,ll look at the tulip bulbs and perhaps they might flower .
Mm , the mouse had been there before me , not a single bulb . Just the husks .
The sewing machine goes for repair on Monday . Its booked in .
ooooppppssss, well at least they are outside, I well rememebr the one that walked across the patio whilst you sat and watched from the conservatory!!
Its blooming co,d here.......
Very naughty mouse.
They are indeed naughty. Hard to get rid of as well. Hugs
I envy you being able to get into your garden. Mine is frozen solid and under a layer of snow. I hope the mice didn't eat a hole in your bag too.
That's the cutest bag! :-) Makes me smile.
I just love that bag! Hope your flowers come up in the spring! Wishing you many wonderful blessings in 2011! xo Paulette
Thank you for your sweet visit. :) Have a lovely week!...Hope you get your sewing machine back quickly! xo Paulette
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