Thursday 28 October 2010

Day Out

Tomorrow is a big day in the year for three friends , bluebell , Elaine and myself . This big day occurs twice a year . We're off to the Malvern quilt show .

We have vowed no more fabric !! umm, um .

We are quietly ashamed of our huge stash , the money we have invested in our hobby , the untidy mess on the shelves . Fabric we have bought in a weak moment with no thought of what we shall use it for . Well thats not quite true . We had ideas at the time of purchase how that piece of orange would give a wonderful zing to a quilt , the red and silver that would make a beautiful scarf for the fire mantle at christmas and the green and gold for a fresh tree skirt , well thats three pieces accounted for .

Apart from the guilty conscience of the fabric stash we shall have a wonderful day . On the journey we shall laugh and giggle our cares away , suck sweeties ,recall happy times past and on the way home soberly discuss the quilts at the show.


Elizabethd said...

I would love to be coming with you...and I bet you come home with just a teeny weeny piece of fabric...or two..or three?

Piece by Piece said...

Hope you have a wonderful day. I am sure some of the fabric will magically jump into your bags.